Can I bring any electronic devices such as Game-Boys, walkmans, cell phones or mini televisions?
A. No! You
won't have any time to use them. On the bus ride up, everyone is so excited, you'll be talking to your friends. Furthermore,
who needs the aggravation of losing it or worrying about it getting stolen? It won't be necessary for you to bring a hair
dryer. You may borrow one from a chaperone. Don't bother bringing a cell phone; there is no signal. The one "device" that
is allowed is a camera. We suggest bringing a disposable camera rather than an expensive digital camera which can be lost.
Q. What time do we have to go to bed?
A. Every night,
the Nature's Classroom staff have a great activity planned which usually ends at around 9:30 P.M. Immediately
after we return to the dormitories. The first night of our stay we usually have a floor meeting to review behavior expectations
and to go over some other "dormitory" things. After that, some people take showers, some people work on their Nature's Classroom
journals. "Lights out" usually occurs between 10:00PM. and 10:30P.M.
What time do we have to get up?
A. It depends
on how long it takes you to get ready. Breakfast begins at 8:00 A.M. If you are a waitron, you need to be in the dining hall by 7:45. Usually people wake up around 7:00-7:30. You will fill out a "wake-up" time on your door sheet to let the chaperones know what time you would like to
get up. (You won't need an alarm clock!)
If you attempt
to sneak out of your room in the middle of the night, the motion detectors will activate the lights, and the creaky floor
boards will let the chaperones know!
What is Ort?
A. Ort is wasted
food. The Nature's Classroom staff would like you to make better choices when piling up food on your plate. Only put on your
plate what you are certain you can eat.(You can always take half of something to try it first.) Any thing left on your
plate will become ort and therefore go in the official "ort" bucket for analysis.
What do I do if I don't like what the waitrons bring out from the kitchen?
A. At every
meal there is a salad bar which often includes soup, fruit, PP & J sandwiches, and more! The breakfast bar includes cereal
such as Cheerios, Cap't Crunch, Rice Crispies. At breakfast, there is usually yogurt and hot oatmeal. There will be special
food for those that celebrate Passover.
What is a waitron?
A. During our
first meal at Nature's Classroom, you will select a future meal to be responsible for. Your responsibilities may include:
-setting the
table (You arrive 15 minutes before everyone else.)
-going into
the kitchen to get the meal (using a tray)
-getting up
from the table to get items such as napkins, etc. for those seated at your table.
the garbage and ort pile.
-clearing the
-wiping the
Will I get to choose my room mate?
A. Yes. Your
room mate must be on the same team as you! For example, Ms. Corigliano's class may bunk with people from Ms. Moehler's
class. About a month before our departure, your homeroom teacher will ask you to write down the names' of three students that
you would like to bunk with. If you have earned the trust of your teachers, there should be no problem honoring your request.
Especially if your choice also wrote your name as well. Your homeroom teacher will let you know when and how the room mate
selection process will occur.
When do we have free time with our friends?
A. After lunch
we have an hour break. You sign up with your chaperones/teachers where you plan to be during that break. For example, you
may decide to play basketball in the gym (or outside if it is nice). There is also time between field group and classes.
Do I have to dissect any animals?
A. For 2:00 and 4:00 classes, dissections
are always available, but you are never forced to take a dissection class. During meal time, the N.C. staff will do an "infomercial"
on the classes that they will be offering. Listen carefully, because later you will have to decide which class you want to
sign up for.
How long is the bus trip to Silver
A. It takes
about 90 minutes to get there from Lisha Kill. If you have experienced motion sickness in the past, we recommend that you
take an anti-motion sickness medication for the ride. (Many students in the past got sick!)
What is transition time?
A. Transition
time is when you return to the dormitories to prepare for what ever the next activity is. For example, after breakfast,
we return to the dormitories to allow you time to brush your teeth, use the rest room, and change into the appropriate clothing
for field groups. Be sure you are dressed properly for each activity. You will not be allowed to return to get anything!
Can you bring any snacks?
A. No. There
is plenty of food for you to eat at Nature's Classroom. Furthermore, the Nature's Classroom staff does not want to to
attract bugs and mice in the rooms.
Should I bring any money?
A. No. There
is nothing to buy at Nature's Classroom.
Q. How many people bunk in one room?
A. Most of
the rooms have two beds. (There are only four room with more than that) You will be happy to know that each room has its own
bathroom that includes a sink, toilet, and a shower. Boys usually bunk on the first floor; girls usually bunk on the second
floor. (Attempting to sneak to the opposite gender's floor may result in an immediate "go home.") You may not be in the dormitories
with out a chaperone!
May I hang out in my friend's dorm?
A.No. You are
only allowed to enter the room that was assigned to you. If you want to spend time with your friends during transition time,
you must do it in the hallway.
Do we need an alarm clock?
A. No. The
chaperones will assist you in waking up when you need to.
Do the rooms have televisions?
A. No. You
wouldn't have time (nor would you want to) watch television.
What if I get home-sick?
A. We usually
suggest that you try to get through the first night. If by day 2, you're stilll very anxious, let your teacher know. You may
also want to warn your parents ahead of time that home-sickness is a concern for you. It will not be convenient
for them to come pick you up.
What if I have trouble sleeping at night?
A. Being in
a foreign place, you may find it difficult to sleep. You will need to respect your room mate's right to get a good night's
rest. You may have to count sheep!
When do I take my medications?
A. The nurse
reports to the dining hall for every meal. If you take medications, go to the nurse's table/office after the meal.(If
you forget, they usually make a general announcement or come look for you. The nurse also attends the evening activity
to pass out meds at night.
What do we do if it rains/snows?
A. Regardless
of the weather, many of the activities will be held outdoor, hence the name, "Nature's Classroom." Hopefully, you see the
need to bring something that will keep you dry when you are outside. If you do not have a rain coat, a NC satff member can
make you one out of a large garbage bag.
What is Field Group?
A. You will
be in a group with 10 or 11 other students. It is our hope that you will make new friends at Nature's Classroom. To facilitate
this, most field groups will have one student from each section. During FG, your FG leader will be doing many activities
outdoors, such as hiking, team building activities, nature studies.
Who will I be with during meals?
It is our hope that you will make new friends at Nature's Classroom. To facilitate this, most tables will have
one student from each section (No more than 7 students). There will also be one adult at each table. The adults usually rotate
to different tables for different meals. Don't worry, You'll have time after each meal to spend with your friends.
What if I become ill at Nature's Classroom.
A. The NC nurse
and your parents will help determine whether you need to go home or not. If you develop a fever, you most likely will
need to go home. You would be entitled to a partial refund. If you need to be hospitalized, you will be transported to Ticonderoga
by ambulance.
What if I get in trouble at Nature's Classroom?
A. The same
rules that we have at school apply at Nature's Classroom. If there is a need for you to be sent home, you will not get a refund.
Your parents will be responsible for picking you up. They won't be happy to make a 90 minute drive to come get you. The drive
home for another 90 minutes won't be pleasant either!!! The best thing to do......... be on your best behavior.
Can we wear pajamas to breakfast?
A: No! You
must be ready to start your day before you arrive at the dining hall!
Can we wear shorts or sandals to feild group or to classes?
A: Absolutely
not. For your own comfort and safety, you MUST wear pants and your feet must be completely covered. (This can protect you
against disesases such as Lyme Disease.)
Can people send me mail at Nature's Classroom?
Absolutely!-Mail should be addressed as follows:
Child's Name
C/O Homeroom
Teacher's Name/Section LKMS
Nature's Classroom
Silver Bay
Silver Bay,
New York 12874
Emergency Phone:
(Students will not be permitted to use the phone)
Cell phones
do not work at Silver Bay.
What kind of busses do we take to Nature's Classroom?
A: In the past,
we have taken "Brown Coach" busses to Nature's Classroom. Unfortunately, the budget has forced us to use school busses for
the 2010 trip. Be sure to have an empty bladder before getting on the bus!
If my question was not answered as a result of reading this, who could I contact?
Ms. Moehler is one of the teachers that organizes the trip every year.Feel free to send her an e-mail with your question.