Dear Grade 6 Parents:
Our school is expecting to attend Natures Classroom the week of the May 11-14, 2010.
Natures Classroom is a residential environmental education program. Dedication to motivational learning, Natures Classroom
stimulates children toward learning more about various academic subjects by exploring and doing exciting activities. The following
are just a few examples:
Geography maps and compass, orienteering
Math building a geodesic dome, bridge building
Language Arts storytelling pantomime
Social Studies Native American games, colonial crafts
Science dissection, weather station, science fair
Through living and learning together, Natures Classroom develops community awareness.
The following are a few facts you may wish to know in advance about Natures Classroom.
Natures Classroom Provides:
Teachers with a minimum of a bachelor's degree; average age is 24.
A teacher to student ratio of one to 12 (or less).
24-hour adult supervision.
Large areas of land with a variety of habitats to explore.
Comfortable, winterized dormitories.
Plenty of good food served family style-always enough for seconds.
A nurse on call or on duty at all times.
Insurance for each child.
Payment Procedures:
- Make checks payable to: Lisha Kill Middle School
- Write your child's name, section number, and N.C. on the memo space.
- Submit the check to your child's homeroom teacher.
It is our hope that every sixth grade student will participate in this valuable experience. If the dollar amount represents
a financial hardship, please contact your child's teacher.
A deposit of $75.00 is due 10/15/09.
Cost at site per student $320.00 prior to fundraising
Cost after fundraising: $300
Less deposit $75.00
Balance due: $225
The district has covered all transportation costs in the past. The balance will be collected in five equal installments
to lessen the burden on family budgets. Payments of $ 50 will be due the weeks of:
November 30
February 8
March 15
April 12
May 5 ($25)
** All families should be paid in full no later than May 5th. **