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Nature's Classroom
Registration Information


                                                                             April 2010(This may be revised later)


Dear Parent (s),


The time is almost here for the annual sixth grade trip to Nature's Classroom in Silver Bay, NY.  The dates of the trip will be Tuesday, May 11 through Friday,May 14, 2010.

There are a few last minute details that you need to be aware of prior to our departure.  All students are to arrive at Lisha Kill by 8:30 AM.  Due to the amount of luggage that each student will have, it is necessary for you to provide transportation to school for your child.  Upon arrival, all students are to take their gear to the designated location that will be given in school on Tuesday depending upon the weather forecast.  Finally, each student should report to his or her homeroom.

We will be returning to Lisha Kill on Friday, May 14 at approximately 2:00 PM. We urge you to be punctual to avoid traffic congestion during the regular 2:56 PM dismissal time. Upon our return, students are then expected to help in unloading the luggage from the bus.  Please be at school to pick your child up.  If this presents some difficulty, please plan to make arrangements for your child to leave with another parent, a friend or a relative.  So that your child's teacher is aware in either case, please complete the bottom tear-off and return it to your the homeroom teacher.  No student will be allowed to walk home that day!  For your child's safety, we ask that you please have your child meet and then introduce any person other than yourself to his/her teacher prior to leaving Lisha Kill.

 The students will not be allowed to use the telephones and we ask that you refrain from calling unless it is an emergency.  If you need to call in case of such emergency, please dial 543-8837.   If we have a problem (medical or discipline), we will contact you at home or work. 

We strongly urge you to speak to your child about behavior and responsibility.  Any reported room damage will be billed directly to the parents of those students assigned to that room.

We know how difficult it will be to spend four days away from your child!  We urge you to mail him/her a letter to at least two days prior to our departure.  Mail is delivered during meal times and nothing is better than getting a letter from home!  Please use the following address when mailing letters or postcards:

                                    Child's Name

                                    c/o Homeroom Teacher's Name/LKMS

                                    Nature's Classroom

                                    Silver Bay Associates

                                    Silver Bay, New York 12874




Finally, if you have not yet returned the following forms to school, please do so ASAP.  They are required in order to your child to attend the trip.

·        Medication Administration Form

·        Student Registration

·        Home/health Information Questionnaire


Any medications must be turned over to the classroom teacher prior to our departure.  Please have all medications in the original package, with dosage directions, placed in a plastic bag that is marked with your child's name and teacher's name.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping to make this learning experience a successful one!



                                                                        Lisha Kill 6th Grade Teachers