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Nature's Classroom
Parent FAQs

Some common questions asked by parents.

Q: Will my child get to select his/her own bunkmate?
A: Depending on the rooms assigned to a particular class, most rooms will have two students. Students are asked (about a month before our departure) to give the names of three people that they would be willing to bunk with on their team. Teachers do their best to fully accommodate those students that have earned  the trust to room with a person of their choice.


Q. Does each dorm room have an adult?
A. No-However each hallway will have an adult at each end. Due to the age of the building (creeky floor boards) and motion sensor lights in the hallway, the adults will know if a child leaves his/her dorm.
Q: Will there be any other groups at Nature's Classroom?
A: No. The week has been reserved for Lisha Kill students only.
Q: What if my child is a "picky eater?"
A: As a parent, you will be asked to fill out a form before the trip. Be sure to indicate that your child is a "picky eater." Let us know what kinds of food your son/daughter will eat. Some parents choose to send additional food items with their child.
Q: Can I call my child?
A: There is simply not enough time for the children to be on the phone with their loved ones. You should also be advised that cell phone signals do not reach Silver Bay. Should any problem arise, you will certainly be contacted.
Q: If my child gets sick right before the trip and is uable to go, will I get a refund?
A: Yes. Be sure to contact the homeroom teacher of your child to set up your refund. It is also recommended to send Ms. Moehler an e-mail as well to confirm your refund.
Q: If I already paid a deposit for my child to go and my child changes his/her mind about attending the trip, can we get a refund?
A: We recommend that you wait until right before the trip to get your refund. Often, students change their minds. It is easier to remove a student that has a reservation rather than add a new reservation.
Q: What if my child can not resolve who he/she will bunk with on his/her own?
A:  A few weeks before our departure, the homeroom teachers gather information about student bunkmate preferences. Most rooms at Nature's Classroom can accomodate only two students (often for legal/firecode purposes). Should your child be interested in rooming with two or more other children, please be aware that there is a limited number or rooms that can allow for this. EVERY effort is made to make all those attending as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be impossible to please everyone. If you feel that your child's selected bunkmate(s) is/are unacceptable, please contact your child's team leader. If we can not resolve the issue before departure, a full refund can be given.
More FAQs will be added later. Be sure to check back!